
Posters Galore!

Thousands of movie posters that had to be packed up to move. Five years of them piled up from all our locations.


D said...

What do you do with them all?

Eric said...

Normally we just "store" them... but that plan has gotten a bit out of control.

First, we used them as incentive for all the tough manual labor required at our recent Country Club Reel remodel. Employees that helped out were allowed free reign in the poster room after helping.

That didn't seem to dwindle the supply much at all though, so then we debated ebay. The size of just organizing such a project quickly dissolved all potential candidates.

Next we contacted The Yesteryear Shoppe, out of Nampa to see if they were interested. They were and we ended up making a few hundred bucks for the whole lot, which included them hauling them away.

I'm sure we could've come up with a million other better uses for such a gold mine of posters... but we were strapped for time and space.

J-me said...

I thought that room was never gonna come to a end! Thousands of posters. When we thought we had reached a end there were more...in the ticket box, behind counters, it was like a nightmare that would never ended.

JwRiDe said...

If you come across a 'Raising Arizona' poster, I know a guy...