
Ultimate vending machine.

Man, we must live in a cave in Idaho. You can buy ipods and psps right out of vending machines in Texas.

Those people

Here's what we've become.

Our garden

Mutant carrots from our yard. Yum


The wash

Helping Nana with the laundry.


Hiking with your eyes closed.

This does take skill. Don't try at home.

New speed record.

Hit my new top speed of 58.4 on Ride Idaho a few weeks ago. My bike actually felt surprisingly stable even with some small wind gusts. Fun stuff.


Found a new hiking partner to help me get ready to climb Mt. Borah next week.

Twilight Criterium

So it turns out that 8th place actually wins money as look what showed up in the mail. Score!


Dinner Time

Here's our auto floor sweeper standing guard. He's almost as good as a roomba.


1980 Yamaha XJ650 Maxim

Added one more "bike" to the quiver. Still deciding if the tassels and sissy bar will stay though.